Monday, June 14, 2010

Carolyn Braden Says "Make Your Own Tie Dye Fashions Instead of Buying Them!"

I was looking through the latest Vogue issue and on one of the pages there was a white tote bag that had been tie dyed.  The design looked just like some of the shibori designs I've done in the past.  This bag was over $300.00!  I figured you could make the bag yourself and save some cash.  Here's my video on how to do shibori (Japanese tie dye).  I would buy a white canvas bag and try to dye it yourself!  Pinch up small areas of the bag, wrap rubberbands tightly around the areas where you want the ring design, and dye it following directions for dying on the box of dye you choose (if you choose to use a cheaper dye like RIT, which is found in many grocery stores).  You could save around $270.00 by doing it yourself!  Score!

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